Welcome to the travel blog for the 2019 Menlo Abroad Guatemala trip.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Earth Lodge Day 2, Last Day in Guatemala

Hello from Earth Lodge. Today marked our last day in Guatemala😢 The whole day was spent reflecting on the trip and discussing how we can transfer our knowledge from Guatemala back to the US. Most of the morning was spent building our trust for each other through several activities, including trust falls and lifting each other off the ground, shown through the photo in which Alex is being supported by everyone as we hold him above the ground. This activity strengthened the trust which we have been building throughout the trip.

After a delicous smoothie break we were spilt into groups to make skits. Each group made a skit for each place we stayed in Guatemala. The skits were to include something fun we did, an activity we did as a group, the culture of the place, and what we learned during our stays. The picture below shows us lounging in hammocks while watching the amazing performances put on by our peers.

In the afternoon we were given two hours to reflect on the trip as a whole. We responded to two main questions which were: what is significance of what we learned in Menlo Abroad Guatemala and what changes occurred because of this new knowledge? You will be hearing two of these reflections on Wednesday during the potluck. Below is Sophia working quietly and diligently on her reflection surrounded by nature.

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!🎊😄🎊

Signing off from Menlo Abroad Guatemala blog, ¡Adios!

- Sutton Pinkus and Julia Deffner

Earth Lodge Day 2, Last Day in Guatemala

Hello from Earth Lodge. Today marked our last day in Guatemala😢 The whole day was spent reflecting on the trip and discussing how we can tr...

Guatemala Fights